
Professional Title



Abuse/Bullying, Anxiety, Complex Trauma, Depression, Relationships



Social Media


Helena McCallum



Awareness Space


Mount Macedon, VIC AU

In-person, Online

Biographical Info

As a psychologist and psychotherapist for 30 years I had many tools to facilitate deep change in people, and shifts certainly occurred. But I often wished it could happen faster, more efficiently and sometimes more completely, so that people suffered less. When I first heard about TRTP I was sceptical: profound change even from PTSD in 3 sessions? Now, since doing this work consistently since 2016 as well as mentoring trainee practitioners, I have seen over and over again that if people throw themselves into this process (because it’s not just fairy dust!) even dreadful trauma lifts quickly. Stuck patterns shift seamlessly and clients gain a grounded and positive sense of self. They step into a life they feel passionate about. They come out with more confidence, sense of purpose and, yes, feeling happy! More peaceful and balanced. For most people this takes only 3 sessions. As a therapist, it’s a joy to witness such rapid and lasting transformation and to know that each of those people will affect others, like ripples in a pond. And this has to be a good thing for our planet.

You should achieve a good result with any certified TRTP practitioner. But good therapist-client rapport certainly helps. If you want to see if you and I feel like a good fit, please look at my website.

Other Members

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Nicole Janowiak - TRTP Practitioner

Nicole Janowiak

Nicole Janowiak
Michigan, USA

Sue Carberry

Sue Carberry
London, United Kingdom
Soo Jin Kim

Soo Jin Kim

Ayull Mindwork
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Judy Goodward

Judy Goodward Psychology
Queensland, Australia